
wsOHM Bond

All bond contracts are more or less the same, with the one exception of the assets or LP tokens they manage. The bond contracts handle all deposits and redemptions. Here parameters for monetary policy are configured. Such parameters are for instance the BCV and the max individual payout. Below are listed DAI bond contracts by version, where the latest version represents the currently active contract.

wsOHM / OTWO LP Bond

All bond contracts are more or less the same, with the one exception of the assets or LP tokens they manage. The bond contracts handle all deposits and redemptions. Here parameters for monetary policy are configured. Such parameters are for instance the BCV and the max individual payout. Below are listed wsOHM / OTWO LP bond contracts by version, where the latest version represents the currently active contract.

gOHM Bond

All bond contracts are more or less the same, with the one exception of the assets or LP tokens they manage. The bond contracts handle all deposits and redemptions. Here parameters for monetary policy are configured. Such parameters are for instance the BCV and the max individual payout. Below are listed gOHM / OTWO LP bond contracts by version, where the latest version represents the currently active contract.

  • V1 0x1f309b4834F02dEFAF52BE3b74D086324899De8e


All bond contracts are more or less the same, with the one exception of the assets or LP tokens they manage. The bond contracts handle all deposits and redemptions. Here parameters for monetary policy are configured. Such parameters are for instance the BCV and the max individual payout. Below are listed gOHM / OTWO LP bond contracts by version, where the latest version represents the currently active contract.

  • V1 0x35E6506D19eEAe0C1564eA3FBa7749C53F34AA21


All bond contracts are more or less the same, with the one exception of the assets or LP tokens they manage. The bond contracts handle all deposits and redemptions. Here parameters for monetary policy are configured. Such parameters are for instance the BCV and the max individual payout. Below are listed gOHM / OTWO LP bond contracts by version, where the latest version represents the currently active contract.

  • V1 0x350c5aEe79679E239f670ca1A5E695C78329979b

Last updated